Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Cross

Today we were up early to take our trusty harp to play for a Lenten Breakfast at a church in Chicago. The theme was "The Cross." We played all the hymns that had in the title "The Cross." A few of them were: "The Old Rugged Cross," "Down at The Cross," "In the Cross of Christ I Glory," "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," "At the Cross," "Beneath the Cross," and "Near the Cross." We told the stories behind each hymn writer as we played the harp. We were joined by our long-time pastor, Pastor Clem. He actually wrote the program for us. He has a gift for music and great theme presentations. He has written several other programs for us. We so enjoy presenting with him! There were 80 people in attendance from various churches. We made special book marks that had our theme verse on it, Galatians 6:14. They were very pretty with light purple organza ribbon tied at the bottom. We hope that those there were able to catch a greater glimpse of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


The Singing Cello said...

Hi girls! I just saw your post. I'm glad to hear it went so well! Your playing for things like this is a great blessing and encouragement to those who attend. Keep up the good work! God bless you!

In Christ,

Trish said...

Pastor Clem does such a wonderful job with the children and his music ministry! My kids loved singing with him in choir. Your music is such a blessing! I am happy to see you using your music for the Lord!